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1999 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Wharton, Edith

New York, fine Ottocento. Cinque giovani bellezze, figlie dei nuovi ricchi, respinte dall’élite americana che le considera parvenu. Sono loro le bucaniere – così le immagina Edith Wharton nel suo ultimo romanzo – che, sovvertendo le rotte del passato, partono alla conquista dei tesori della Vecchia Europa: arte, cultura, ma soprattutto nobiltà. Perché un buon matrimonio è l’unico st...

CHF 22.50


Wharton, Edith

All'età di nove anni, Edith Wharton contrasse la febbre tifoidea e rimase confinata nel suo letto per settimane. La sua preghiera era: datemi dei libri da leggere. Fu cosí che la madre le diede una storia di fantasmi. A una bambina poco dotata d'immaginazione una storia del genere poteva fare poca o nessuna impressione, ma sulla piccola Edith ebbe un effetto dirompente: da quel momento si ritrovò a vivere in uno stato d...

CHF 26.50

La casa della gioia

Wharton, Edith
La casa della gioia

Lily Bart è giovane, bella e affascinante, ospite gradita degli incontri mondani dell'alta società newyorkese. Ma con la rovina economica della sua famiglia la vita negli ambienti privilegiati può continuare per lei solo a patto che si trovi un marito ricco, capace di porre rimedio alla sfortuna che l'ha colpita e di sostenere le abitudini costose di cui non riesce a fare a meno. Quando si avvicina ai trent'anni Lily de...

CHF 22.50

A Son at the Front

Wharton, Edith
A Son at the Front
A Son at the Front (1923), Edith Wharton’s eleventh novel, is set during the First World War. When George Campton, an American painter, is sent to combat as a French soldier, the jumbled liaisons of his familial bonds are torn apart. A feverish and poignant character study, this is a powerful classic of American literature.

CHF 32.50

Ethan Frome

Wharton, Edith
Ethan Frome
The titular character of Ethan Frome, the novella by Edith Wharton, is a ruin of a man. For twenty-four years Frome has held a secret: he loved not his waspish wife Zeena, but her cousin and nursemaid Mattie. Now aged, Frome is hired by a newcomer to desolate Starkfield, and the tragic twist of Frome¿s desire is set to be revealed.

CHF 24.90


Wharton, Edith
When a young and wealthy bachelor researches the history of a house he is encouraged to buy, he uncovers the shocking and chilling truth about the people who used to live there—consequently becoming enthralled by an old murder mystery. First published in 1916, Kerfol by Edith Wharton is a spooky gothic horror story about loyalty and revenge.

CHF 21.90

The Age of Innocence

Wharton, Edith / Wolff, Cynthia / Quinn, Laura
The Age of Innocence
A moving portrayal of the struggle between desire and duty in nineteenth-century New York high societyNewland Archer, an eligible young man of the establishment is about to announce his engagement to May Welland, a pretty ingénue, when May's cousin, Countess Olenska, is introduced into their circle. The Countess brings with her an aura of European sophistication and a hint of scandal, having left her husband and claimed her independence.Her so...

CHF 16.50

The House of Mirth

Wharton, Edith
The House of Mirth
The House of Mirth, first published in 1905, is about New York socialite Lily Bart and her attempts to secure a husband amidst the social whirl of New York's Fifth Avenue at the dawn of the Twentieth Century. Wharton pictures a new class of self-made millionaires created by Wall Street, casts a shadow over the tenuous position of those in the "leisure class" and offers a peek at the ascendancy of the self-supporting career woman.

CHF 40.50

The Custom of the Country

Wharton, Edith
The Custom of the Country
First published in 1913, this is the story of Undine Spragg. Undine's social and monetary aspirations show themselves early in her life, as she convinces her parents to move from their comfortable existence in the Midwest to New York City. There she throws herself into high society and finds her ambition and greed grow as she climbs the social ladder, all the while hoping to keep her checkered past hidden from view.

CHF 46.50

Ethan Frome

Wharton, Edith
Ethan Frome
Ethan Frome is a 1912 novel set in New England. It is a story of a doomed love triangle between Ethan Frome, his wife and their housekeeper. Given the social conventions of the time, Ethan Frome feels he must stay, trapped in a loveless marriage, rather than pursue his true feelings. The tension builds slowly to a dramatic and classically ironic ending in one of Wharton's best stories.

CHF 27.90

In Morocco

Wharton, Edith
In Morocco
From the New York Times review, October 31, 1920: "THE publication of In Morocco, by Mrs. Wharton, is practically simultaneous with that of her most recent novel, The Age of Innocence. Both of these books add security to their author's position as one of the foremost contemporary writers of English prose. The one reveals her at her best as a constructive novelist: the other proves once more her exceptional power in translating color, line and ...

CHF 27.90

Ethan Frome

Wharton, Edith
Ethan Frome
Ethan Frome is a young man whose nascent ambitions were thwarted by illness and privation. Now his daily toils wring only the most meager living from his fading farm, and his marriage is as frigid as the winter that has beset his home in Starkfield, MA. Yet despite the swirling snows, a flame of passion sparked by the recent arrival of his wife¿s cousin, Mattie Silver, burns desperately within him. How far will he go to pursue a forbidden love...

CHF 18.50

The Age of Innocence

Wharton, Edith
The Age of Innocence
Upper-class New York gentleman Newland Archer is set to wed May Welland in a picture-perfect union when the bride¿s cousin, Ellen Olenska, returns from a failed marriage overseas. As Newland endeavors to help Countess Olenska be reinstated into the family¿s good graces, his affections for her grow. Newland soon finds himself torn between his desire to conform to the society he knows and his new-found passion for the forbidden Countess. The Age...

CHF 30.50


Wharton, Edith
Edith Wharton¿s controversial novel Summer is the story of Charity Royall, an ambitious young woman trapped in a stifling small town by both her gender and her social class. When a visiting stranger arrives in town, Charity is awakened to a wider world of possibilities and to the realities that constrain her. Published in 1917, the novel was both attacked and ignored for openly acknowledging female sexuality and its many inequities. Later gene...

CHF 26.50